Front Page

Cobar wraps up the year with big parade

Cobar Business Association’s Christmas Street Parade on Friday night has been labelled by locals as Cobar’s best parade ever! At an estimated 1.5km in length, with more than 50 vehicles and approximately 240 people on floats, in vehicles and on foot, we’d have to agree that it was indeed Cobar’s […]


ClubGrants assist 14 groups

Cobar Bowling & Golf Club has distributed over $40,000 to 14 local community and sporting groups as part of it’s 2024 ClubGrants program. Pictured above is the club’s secretary/manager Jason Howell (at far left) with representatives of the recipient groups. Among the community group beneficiaries were the Brennan Centre, Cobar […]


Inequitable education funding discussed

Local teachers, parents and interested members of the public were briefed last week about the lack of public school funding forthcoming from the Federal Government. The NSW Federation of Parents and Citizens  (P&C) Association and NSW Teachers Federation are working with parents, carers, teachers, principals, school support personnel and community […]


Home grown nursing graduates

  Cobar High School students, Molly Broughton and Molly Carter, were part of a group of 12 school-based trainees across Western NSW Local Health District (WNSWLHD) who have recently graduated with Assistant in Nursing qualifications. The pair have completed an Assistant in Nursing Certificate III through a Student-Based Apprenticeship Trainee […]


Dancing stars were full of surprises

Cobar’s 2024 Dancing Under The Stars fundraiser proved to be a big hit with the sold out crowd at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club on Saturday night. Not only did the six couples competing for the coveted mirror ball prize put on a great night of entertainment, they also […]


Fashions on the preschool field

Melbourne Cup Fashions on the Field at Cobar Preschool yesterday featured the style and glamour of three and four year old little ladies, Charlotte Cronin, Maggie Lancaster, Remmi Mackay, Tippi Evans and Lucy Mainey. Handbags were an important accessory for most, with ribbons, bows and a fascinator popular headwear this […]


Play gets underway at Early Learning Centre

The wait is over with the Cobar Early Learning Centre opening its doors to families on Monday. Centre coordinator Peta Rufo said the staff and children are thrilled with their big new space and said the flow between the indoor and outdoor spaces works really well. She said the transition into […]


Iron Ringer monument is a work of art

A monument, a work of art, a tourist attraction—Cobar’s newly installed Iron Ring means different things to different people. It’s been just over three years since local historian John Collins came up with the idea of an Iron Ringer monument and now that idea has come to fruition as a […]


Driver charged after fatality

A 23 year old Broken Hill woman has been charged with dangerous driving occasioning death, following an accident on the Barrier Highway west of Cobar on Sunday morning. Emergency services were called to the scene about 25km west of Cobar around 8.30am, following reports of a crash. Officers attached to […]