Rates revenue a small piece of pie

  Cobar Shire Council has recently released its 2024/2025 Annual Operational Plan (AOP) with Council expecting the year ahead will again be extremely busy with limited funds available. The AOP projects Council will receive approximately $61M in revenue (that includes grants and capital contributions) in the coming year. “The Council […]


Crash causes extensive damage

  A Cobar man has been charged with negligent driving after he crashed into the toilet block at the truck stop on the Barrier Highway west of Cobar around 12.20am on Sunday. Police received a report that a motor vehicle had hit the public toilet, causing extensive damage. The driver […]


Bowlers galore on the Golfie greens

Cobar Bowling & Golf Club weekend hosted two very successful competitions over the weekend with bowlers from Blacktown, The Rock, Bourke, Hillston, Dubbo and Adelaide in attendance. The weather gods were completely on side with glorious playing conditions throughout the weekend. A Triples Tournament was played on Saturday with teams […]


Polymetals and MAC alliance

Polymetals Resources (Endeavor Mine) and Metals Acquisition Limited (CSA Mine) have formed a non-exclusive strategic alliance in an effort to extract greater value from both neighbouring mines. Metals Acquisition Limited (MAC) will invest $2.5 million for an initial 4.31 per cent interest in Polymetals and then invest a further $2.5 […]


New Canbelego drilling campaign

Helix Resources Ltd has commenced a new drilling campaign targeting highly prospective IP anomalies at the Canbelego copper project, east of Cobar. The Canbelego Joint Venture project is located within part of Helix’s Western Group Tenements. Helix’s Managing Director, Dr Kylie Prendergast said the new ‘far’ Western Canbelego target is […]


Changemakers, influencers and advocates meet

A Changemaker Workshop, funded under the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund, was held in Cobar this week, and aims to help residents learn to adapt to change in their community. The free two day workshop attracted participants from across the community and the wider region and included people from business, […]


Cobar to receive more day care funding

A $10 million Western NSW Workforce Activation Package to increase the availability of long day care services in western NSW is set to benefit families in Cobar. The package is part of the NSW Government’s $35 million funding allocation, from the $350 million Regional Development Trust which will support a […]