Hall Cinema sealed last Thursday with funding received from Round 1 of the Australian
Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. This carpark, along
with the carparking area behind the Grand Hotel, were to have been sealed by June 30,
however the work was delayed on both by wet weather and COVID restrictions. The
carparking area at the newly renovated Museum was also sealed last week. The Grand
Hotel carpark is due to be soon completed as part of Council’s town beautification
One of two carparks in Cobar’s CBD have been sealed with the carpark next to the Town
Hall Cinema sealed last Thursday with funding received from Round 1 of the Australian
Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. This carpark, along
with the carparking area behind the Grand Hotel, were to have been sealed by June 30,
however the work was delayed on both by wet weather and COVID restrictions. The
carparking area at the newly renovated Museum was also sealed last week. The Grand
Hotel carpark is due to be soon completed as part of Council’s town beautification