Busy agenda for tourism meeting

File Photo Museum

Cobar’s Tourism Advisory Committee meeting last Thursday at the Services Club had a big agenda to work through.

Council’s tourism manager Demi Smith presented the latest tourism statistics and reported that July has been our busiest month this year.

A total of 3,823 people have visited the Visitors Information Centre and the Museum, which is an increase of more than 600 people compared to last month.

It’s also 200 more visitors than we had in Cobar in July 2023.

A wrap up was done of recent events including the Sunday Sunday Markets, the Glenhope Shindig and Mundi Mundi festival and all were deemed as very successful and of great benefit to our local tourism industry.

Demi supplied an update on the Big Beer Can refurbishment project and advised Tooheys will be providing a new wrap for the Big Beer Can while stories telling the Grand’s history will be displayed on the windows.

The Iron Ring Monument project was also discussed with Demi reporting 529 pavers were sold to help fundraise for the project which is nearing completion.

From a recent traffic committee meeting, Cr Julie Payne reported that most of the upgrade work to the Gilgunnia Rest Area has been carried out however a bore will need to be sunk to supply the new toilet with water. (Until such time a water truck will refill the toilet tank.)

The meeting also discussed tourism signs in the CBD that will be upgraded, progress on The Pub Route project, a local tourism brochure and a new Kidman Way brochure.