The Cobar Bowling & Golf Club hosted a very successful Max Humphries Memorial Bowls Day on Sunday.
The event paid tribute to the late Max Hum-phries, who served as club president for 28 years.
There was a field of 42 bowlers (including seven players from Hillston) making up 14 teams of triples playing on the perfectly tend-ed greens.
Some early morning dew, combined with much welcomed sunshine and minimal wind, made for a great bowls tournament.
After two lots of 16 ends were played, the team of David Schofield, Daryn Lord and Shane Carter, with +18, narrowly finished as winners over Kyle Roberts, Don Roberts and Ross Scanlon (Hillston) on +17.
Back in third place were Daniel Holt, Luke Anderson and John Fitzgerald (Hillston) with +12 and Peter ‘Skeet’ Goonrey, Dean ‘Bogger’ McLeod and Jack Neale finished 4th with +10.
Without a doubt, Frank Singleton was the winner of the George The Giraffe Award.
He secured legendary rights to the title of the furthest bowl – ever – in the history of bowls after delivering a 180 degree fluke bowl that ended up mid way down the only green not in play!
Bowlers are reminded the Championship Bowls nominations close this Friday. Names must be on the bowlers’ board at the club to play.—The Second