Council’s new PA system in the main street last week before the system went live on
Saturday morning. Shoppers in the CBD on Saturday appreciated the festive
atmosphere of this month’s ‘Jamming in July’ playlist
Another new Cobar Shire Council community
project is up and running with the
new PA System in the main street getting
its first run on Saturday morning.
Shoppers in the main street on Saturday
may have noticed some background music
coming from the recently installed PA System
located at the Cobar Shire Library.
The $60,000 project, which was funded
through the Drought Communities Extension
Program, was coordinated by local ‘IT Guru’
Tom Shanahan from the Tronic Group for
Council and installed by a local electrical
contractor, AC/DC.
“We did a lot of homework and had a look
at Parkes and a number of other councils who
had installed public PA systems and found out
what was good and what was bad,” Tom said.
“At Parkes, their system is not wireless,
which they said limited them while other
councils strongly advised to buy good quality
Tom said taking that advice on board, he
went with BOSE equipment and six high
quality weather rated speakers have been
installed throughout Cobar’s main street.
“It also has two wireless microphones located
at the library and an expansion point that
will allow a band or singer to plug into this
“It’s all wireless, wifi connected and controlled
off an iPad,” Tom said.
“It’s very loud which will be great for the
street parade, for market days, festivals,
dance performances and any special events.”
He said as it incorporates a public address
system, there could be a lot more uses for the
system including tradestalls, roadshows,
marketing events, demonstrations and information
“Now the infrastructure is in, there’s an
opportunity further down the track to add on
to this system to expand it further throughout
the CBD,” he said.
Tom said with Council also recently installing
CCTV in the main street he’s pleased
the PA System will be safe guarded from vandals.
Tom said he’s enjoyed working on this project.
“I like doing creative projects like this and it
was nice to be able to work with the Council
to do something that benefits the community,”
Tom told The Cobar Weekly.