Cobar Airport was turned into a mock disaster zone on Monday as local emergency services, in conjunction with Cobar Shire Council, conducted an emergency drill simulation exercise.
Council’s engineering support manager Anil De Silva said the exercise not only allows for the airport emergency plan to be tested but also local emergency staff members to put their skills into action.
The drill involved local Police, NSW Fire and Rescue and Rural Fire Service personnel and Ambulance NSW paramedics.
“Council, as the airport operator, holds safety as its highest priority in all facets of airport operation,” Mr De Silva said.
“This exercise is another example of how the various emergency response agencies should and do work together to ensure incidents are managed effectively and to the highest standards.
“A great deal of planning goes into these exercises to ensure that the Airport emergency plan remain current, effective and well drilled in terms of its activation in a simulated aircraft crash.
“The field exercise is held at least every two years in line with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority legislative requirements,” he said.