Cobar VIEW Club’s annual Oaks Day luncheon gives locals an opportunity to dress up and celebrate each year. This year’s luncheon at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club was down a bit on numbers than previous years however the ladies who attended enjoyed their meal, a local trivia quiz and a poem rendition. The winners of this year’s Fashions on the Field prizes were Eva Halliger (Best Headpiece) and Tracey Kings (Best Dressed). The pair are pictured with VIEW Club president Enid English and luncheon coordinator Lillian Simpson.
Cobar VIEW Club’s annual Oaks Day luncheon gives locals an opportunity to dress up and celebrate each year. This year’s luncheon at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club was down a bit on numbers than previous years however the ladies who attended enjoyed their meal, a local trivia quiz and a poem rendition. The winners of this year’s Fashions on the Field prizes were Eva Halliger (Best Headpiece) and Tracey Kings (Best Dressed). The pair are pictured with VIEW Club president Enid English and luncheon coordinator Lillian Simpson.
A group of five swimmers represented the Cobar Swimming Club at their first carnival of the season in Dubbo on Sunday. Hosted by the Dubbo City Swim Tech club, Hayley and Taylah Wyllie, Henry Knight, Nick Hodges and Axel Fairfull all competed for Cobar. All swimmers shaved seconds off their […]
The Cobar VIEW Club’s September meeting last week was well attended with ladies now being more comfortable adhering to the current COVID-19 dining out restrictions. Treasurer Lillian Simpson reported a healthy bank balance was recently boosted by the proceeds of the street raffle won by Don Mitchell. Mr Mitchell kindly […]