A 22 year old record broken at CPS’s athletics carnival

Record breakers Ashlee Compton, Lauren O’Sullivan, Ashton Campbell and Tom Preisig have re-written the CPS athletics carnival history books. ▪ Photo contributed

Four records (including one that dates back 22 years) were broken at Cobar Public School’s annual Athletics Carnival on Friday.

Lauren O’Sullivan bettered the 11years Girls Long Jump record set back in 2002 by a third of a metre.

She jumped 4.05m blitzing the long held record of 3.75m set by K Akari.

Ashlee Compton now holds the new record for Senior Girls in the 1,500m run.

Ashlee recorded a time of 7.55.58 to beat previous record holder Maddie Bruce’s time of 8.16.24 set in 2019.

Tom Preisig took down a three year record when he finished with a record time of 5.59.18 in the Senior Boys 1,500m run.

The previous record of 7.05.34 was set by  Kai McCosker in 2021.

Ashton Campbell set a new record for the Junior Boys 1,500m run with a time of 6.40.34 bettering the previous record time set by Jaxon Waugh of 6.54.02, also from the 2021 carnival.

The Junior Age Champions were Josh McMillan and Rosie George.

George Wainiqolo and Lauren O’Sullivan were the 11 years champions with Dustin Newham and Ashlee Compton named the 2024 Senior Age Champions.

The Occidental team were the overall winners of the carnival.

A squad of 25 athletes will now go on to compete at zone level at the Nyngbar Carnival in Nyngan next month.