The kids at the Kubby House Child Care Centre are over the moon with their new play area.
The new playground has recently been completed thanks to hard work by the parent committee, plenty of fundraising, some grant funding along with generous donations from local businesses.
Kubby House Child Care Centre committee secretary Tanya Gilbert said the journey to the new playground started back in August 2017.
“We had a hand-drawn plan and a ClubGrants application which gave us our first $500 towards our $20,000 project.
“We also applied for a number of government community funding grants, but have never been successful,” she said.
“We began a huge fundraising drive, which has included two discos, the Obstacle-a-Thon, raffles, Market Day jumping castle stall, a toy drive, tea towel sales and morning teas, which in all, raised over $10,000.
“We have also been privileged enough to get strong support from community minded businesses who made the rest possible through monetary or in-kind donations.”
Tyre Doctor, BCD Projects, Cobar Concrete, Nome’s Tidy Homes, Peak Gold Mines, Endeavor Mine and Sullivan’s Mining and Hardware were all donators to the project.
“Tyre Doctor actually donated the playground equipment which was the largest cost of the project and is really what got us over the line,” Tanya said.
She said Kubby is planning to hold an “official” opening of the new equipment to acknowledge their contributors and will also have an ‘Open Yard’ for the community to go along and see the improvements that have been made to the centre.