“One year already?” was the Cobar team’s response to the reminder that the Royal Flying Doctor Service South East (RFDSSE) Alcohol and Other Drugs program has been operating in Cobar now for one year.
With the RFDS organisation currently celebrating 90 years of operations, the youngest of its members are moving towards engaging more community members of Cobar, Nyngan and Bourke.
RFDSSE’s Lloyd Brooks said their first year has been “incredibly busy” building the project from the ground up.
“As a team we have worked hard with support from the other RFDSSE AOD Outreach Programs hubs based in Dubbo and
Broken Hill and support also from Lydon House.
“The Cobar team’s vehicle has done over 30,000km in this region to service these three communities,” Mr Brooks said.
He said the service has also been supported by the Maranguka Community Hub at Bourke, Bogan Medical Centre at Nyngan, Cobar Community Health Centre and Cobar Primary Health Care Centre and also many other agencies they have worked in partnership with to present community events such as overdoses and suicide prevention workshops.