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Cobar land values soar
Preliminary analysis indicates New South Wales land values are tipped to reach $3 trillion for the first time ever with the strongest growth in the past year recorded in Cobar, Gilgandra and Bogan shires. The NSW Valuer General is currently in the process of finalising land values and released some […]

OAM presentation
After being named in the King’s Birthday Honour list in June this year, local resident Colleen Boucher was officially presented with her Order of Australia Medal (OAM) by the Governor Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC last week at Government House in Sydney. The medal recognises Colleen’s long […]

Lunchbox rally is all packed and heading for Cobar
The Lunchbox Rally will overnight in Cobar this Saturday with 140 people coming from all over Australia to join the rally to help raise funds for the Cancer Council. Lunchbox Rally is an amazing and unique opportunity for kids (and adults) to explore outback Australia in a safe, friendly and […]