Regional Australia Bank hands out $74,000 to local groups

Representatives from the 33 local community and sporting groups who benefited from the Regional Australia Bank Community Partnership Program this year (and Regional Australia Bank staff) at the bonus payment presentation night on Monday at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club.

The Regional Australia Bank (RAB) Cobar branch is part of the ‘Feel good banking’ movement and this year has handed out over $74,000 to support local community and sporting organisations.

A total of 33 local groups received donations of between $110 and up to $7,864 as beneficiaries of this year’s Community Partnership Program (CPP) event on Monday night at the Cobar Bowling & Golf Club.

Of the 33 recipients, 17 groups received more than $2,000 with Cobar Junior Rugby League ($7,864), Cobar Rodeo ($5,135), Cobar Auto Club ($4,429), Cobar Preschool ($3,378), Cobar Pistol Club ($3,232), Lilliane Brady Village Pink Ladies ($2,800) and the Great Western Gallery ($2,415) among the recipients.

All recipients said the donations would make a real difference to their clubs and groups.

RAB CEO David Heine was on hand to help  local branch staff and regional staff hand out the donations.

Mr Heine said it was a great pleasure to be able to hand out over $2.7m from the CPP to 1,900 community groups this year.

Through the CPP, customers who bank with RAB are invited to nominate a local group to support.

The bank calculates the average annual balance and donates the equivalent of 0.75 per cent back to the chosen group.

Mr Heine said the money stays local and goes direct to where it is needed the most and helps to invest in the people and organisations that make Cobar vibrant and strong.