St John’s School Mini Vinnies group recently met to plan their activities for the year ahead.
The Mini Vinnies group aims to aid and assist social justice causes for St Vincent de Paul whether that’s helping with projects on a local, national or even global scale.
One of the school’s Mini Vinnies facilitators, teacher Catherine James, said being part of the Mini Vinnies group helps empower students
to become advocates within their school and local community by putting their values into action.
“It’s about thinking of others and putting others needs before yours; seeing a need and doing something about it; and creating awareness in the group or even among other students who are not connected to the group about social justice causes,” Ms James said.
In addition to learning about local and global social justice issues, students are given the opportunity to develop leadership skills and engage with the wider St Vincent de Paul society.
The St John’s Mini Vinnies group this year is made up of approximately 20 students from Kinder to Year 6 and they meet regularly at recess or lunchtime.
At their meeting last week they spoke about fundraising opportunities, homelessness and poverty.
Ms James said the group will be running a crazy hair day this week at the school to raise money and will also be looking at doing a winter blankets appeal and later in the year a Christmas hamper drive.