Two Cobar Blues representative netball teams competed at the Regional State League carnival in Orange on Sunday.
The Cobar Juniors side competed in Division 4 winning two out of their three games, while the Cobar Opens side went down to their Orange and Bathurst oppositions in Division 3.
“The Junior team had such a fantastic day.
“After a slow start going down to Mudgee, they came out winners against Parkes 36-17 and Cowra 49-24,” Coach Amie Hill reported.
Hill said the team had shown great improvement from last year and her players gained more confidence as the day progressed.
She praised new Blues representative players Imogen Budd and Stevie Toomey, who she said slotted in very well to the team.
“The ‘experienced’ girls from last year led the way playing well, communicating and encouraging their team mates.”
Hill singled out Goal Attack Lauren Urquhart for extra praise and said she displayed a great attitude.
“Lauren’s encouragement of her team mates was exceptional and it really helped to make a difference on the court,” Hill said.
“I’m really happy with their performance.
“They’ve come along a lot from last year to record their first wins in the state league competition,” Hill said.
Competing in Division 3, the Cobar Opens team lost all three of their games up against Orange and Bathurst teams.
Hill said the Cobar team, which is comprised of a number of new player combinations, struggled on Sunday.
“We have a lot to work on but our positive attitude will be a great start,” Hill said.
She is looking forward to taking an Opens team of 12 players (as opposed to just eight) back to Orange next weekend for the second half of the Regional State League round.