The Cobar Mental Health Network will farewell the group’s chairperson, Laura Ah-See from Interrelate, who announced last week she will be moving to Dubbo to further her career.
The local Mental Health Network group reformed last year under the leadership of Mrs Ah-See and is made up of representatives of various local health services, government and non-government organisations as well as staff from the local schools.
Mrs Ah-See has been the driver of the group and someone who is very passionate about “good mental health”.
She urged the Mental Health Network members to continue their networking with the local community to promote and advocate for the various mental health services that are available to Cobar residents.
During the group’s July meeting held last Thursday at the Cobar Library community meeting room, members were advised: two new staff had been employed in Drought Peer Support part time positions in Cobar and Bourke; Barnados has taken on an Aboriginal Family Worker; a number of Suicide Prevention programs are to be run locally over the coming months; the group will receive funding from Essential Energy and the COHOE rugby league fundraiser; and Cobar High School will be running an RUOK Day next month as well as a new Batyr youth training program at the school in September.
Kylie Harvey from Cobar Public School advised that the school, along with Cobar High School, both do not currently have a school counsellor.
She said this was putting pressure on other local services and said it was hoped the situation would be rectified by Term 4.
The Cobar Mental Health Network will again meet in early September to elect a new chair to replace Mrs Ah-See.