Year: 2024
Cobar Shire wins NSW Excellence in the Environment Award
Cobar Shire Council has been named among the winners of the 2024 Local Government NSW Excellence in the Environment Awards announced at Cockle Bay Wharf in Sydney last week. The awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements of NSW councils in their efforts to manage and protect the environment. There were 32 […]
Thriller games played in the pointy end of the competition
With two grand final berths up for grabs, four thrilling games were played in the semi finals of the Mixed Open Touch competition on Thursday night at Ward Oval. Phat Athletes received their “golden ticket” into the B Grade grand final after they scored an exciting 4-3 win over Fast […]
Cobar high students look to mining as a career path
A group of 12 students from Cobar High School last week completed the Pathways 2 Mining course which is a unique program the CSA Mine has been offering to local students for the past six years. Cobar High’s Careers Advisor Megan Nicholson said the school has now seen a total […]
Golfers give it away
ter Mine Golf Challenge committee has donated the proceeds of their 2024 golf charity day to nine groups. Pictured above are the committee with representatives from the recipient groups including: the Brennan Centre, Macquarie Home Stay, The Cobar Weekly, Cobar Junior Golf, Cobar Lady Golfers, Cobar Bowling & Golf Club, […]
CSA keen to help local groups
Cobar Brennan Centre committee’s secretary, Samantha Smith, was over the moon on Monday after receiving a $7,920 donation from MAC Copper Limited (formerly Metals Acquisition Corp) CSA Mine general manager Robert Walker. The donation will cover the centre’s grounds maintenance and landscaping costs for the coming year. MAC Copper has […]
Golfie’s greens were chocker block full
There was a whopping field of 29 bowlers for Sunday’s social bowls at the Golfie. Every rink on the green was chocker block full! Thanks to the massive amount of rain on Saturday, the green was very sluggish which tested everyone’s skill. This week’s winners, Greg Read and Allan Gardoll, […]
Christmas carols fun
The Thompson family (Caroline, James, Claire, Charlie and Henry) caught up with friends, Pearl Toomey and Nestor Linn, at the Churches of Cobar Carols in the Park (which was moved to the Cobar Youth & Community Centre) on Sunday. This year’s event attracted a big crowd to hear the Carols’ […]