More than 100 additional childcare places will be created in Cobar, as the Minns Labor Government continues work to increase the local workforce and ensure children across the state have access to high-quality education and care.
Premier Chris Minns announced last week that 102 additional childcare places will be created in Cobar, along with 44 in Broken Hill and 40 in Bourke – a total of 186 additional places, over the next 18 months.
Cobar, Broken Hill and Cobar have some of the highest gaps in childcare services statewide.
Not only does this impact local children but creates a barrier to parents returning to work and prevents skilled workers with young families moving to these areas.
Delivered through the government’s Regional Development Trust Fund’s Western NSW Workforce Activation Package, $5.6 million will be made immediately available to successful service providers, one of which is Cobar Shire Council.
A further $4.4 million will be made available to further expand childcare places across western NSW early next year.
Along with the 102 new childcare places, 18 additional jobs will be created in Cobar, with over $1.3 million being provided to Cobar Shire Council to support locally run childcare services.
The funding will support relocating Cobar Out of School Hours (COOSH) care from a shared hall to a dedicated facility at the Kubby House Childcare Centre.
Cobar Shire Council will also undertake work to expand the number of Family Day Care Operations.
Family Day Carers are trained and registered educators who provide childcare from their homes.
The Council will use this government funding to cover the costs associated with these operations including, CPR and First Aid training, Working with Children Checks, public liability insurance and professional development sessions.
A comprehensive attraction and retention package will also be developed, which will include relocation assistance, rental assistance and formal training plans.
Mayor Jarrod Marsden said Cobar Shire Council was very grateful to receive this funding.
“Along with the new childcare centre now operational, it is a wonderful example of council listening to the community and businesses and being backed by the State Government to achieve a positive outcome that has a massive flow on impact,” Cr Marsden said.
“Lack of childcare has been an issue for a long time now, so to have this funding to allow for training of staff, attraction and retention of staff, as well as being able to refurbish the Kubby House for after school care, is a big plus.
“It works towards council’s goals to make Cobar more liveable for families and remove one of the main reasons people use for either not moving here or moving away,” he said.