Cobar Shire Council has been allocated more than $1.7 million from the latest round of the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program.
The allocation for each funding recipient takes into consideration factors such as population and road length in each local area.
In comparison with neighbouring shires, Bourke Shire Council received $1.8M from this round, Brewarrina ($1.2), Narromine ($1.4), Warren ($1.03), Forbes ($1.9), Parkes ($2.1), Narrabri ($2.3), Griffith ($1.6) and Dubbo ($3.3).
The funding was a two-part allocation, with Part A ($1,085,211) to be spent on a local road or community infrastructure project.
Councillors at last Thursday’s Ordinary Council Meeting discussed how the funds should be spent based on recommendations from council staff.
They voted that $885,211 would go towards planned upgrade work for the Lilliane Brady Village (bathrooms, entrance, office and storage space) with the balance of $200,000 from Part A to go to the Town Enhancement Program to be used for town beautification works to upgrade or replace street furniture, etc around town.
Part B of the allocation was $625,974 and can only be spent on eligible local rural, regional and outer urban road projects.
Council allocated $275,000 from Part B to their Bore Replacement Program and the balance of $350,974 will go towards the re-instatement of the footpath in Marshall Street (from Harvey Norman corner back to old Occidental Hotel vacant block).
The allocation of these funds will now be proposed to the Federal Government for final approval.