Cobar Shire Council’s $1.2 million lighting project at Ward Oval is almost complete with the new lights tested out on Friday and Saturday.
Cobar junior netballers were the first sporting team to play under the new LED lights on the Ward Oval netball courts late on Friday afternoon followed by the seniors’ games that night.
The new lights on the two grassed sporting ovals were tested on Saturday night.
The LED lighting is expected to make significant savings in power bills.
(LED lights use more than 50 per cent less electricity and last longer than the old metal halide lights making them a more sustainable and cost-effective option in the long run.)
Cobar Shire Council’s general manager Peter Vlatko said the new lighting uses smart technology with approved Ward Oval users able to operate the lights via an app on their smart phone.
“As part of the software, they can be set up in different configurations like training mode or game mode [using more lights for higher intensity] for cricket, football, soccer or to suit any other sporting codes that use the ovals,” Mr Vlatko explained.
“They’re more efficient and will reduce our power consumption.”
Mr Vlatko said Council received grant funding for the lighting project and there was enough money to replace the lights on the main oval, to fit new lights on the second oval and to also replace the lights on the netball courts.
“Having lighting on both ovals and the netball courts means that the facility can be used during the day and night.
“The upgrades to the Ward Oval facility—the oval, the lights and the new pavilion—all make it a first class facility, a sporting centre that is capable of hosting regional sporting carnivals,” Mr Vlatko said…Full story in this weeks edition out now!