Saturday. Pictured are Fashions on the Field winners: Contemporary—Krista Nardi and runner-up Leah Le Lievre (with judge Kylie Harvey and presenter Jai Silkman from Silkman Austen Brown Lawyers); Master—Ryan Walker (with his parents Robert and Andrea); Group—the Evans family; Classic—runner-up Kelly Tomek and winner Janette Bishop; Misses—winner Kelsey Coffey (at front);
Couple—Krista and Sam Nardi; Gentleman—runner up Jack Chmura and winner Mark Thomas and Millinery.
A fine, sunny day helped to bring in an estimated record crowd of 1,200 for the Cobar Miners Race Club winter race meeting on
Saturday. Pictured are Fashions on the Field winners: Contemporary—Krista Nardi and runner-up Leah Le Lievre (with judge Kylie Harvey and presenter Jai Silkman from Silkman Austen Brown Lawyers); Master—Ryan Walker (with his parents Robert and Andrea); Group—the Evans family; Classic—runner-up Kelly Tomek and winner Janette Bishop; Misses—winner Kelsey Coffey (at front);
Couple—Krista and Sam Nardi; Gentleman—runner up Jack Chmura and winner Mark Thomas and Millinery.