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Committee formed to restore graves of former Cobar Icons
Local resident Jill Weaving heads up a new committee which was formed on Sun-day to raise funds to restore the graves of a couple of well-known ‘local icons’. Jill told The Cobar Weekly the idea to form the committee came up in a social media chat regarding the lack of […]

Western LLS is ramping up collaring efforts on feral animals
Western Local Land Services staff are ramping up their collaring efforts on wild dogs and pigs as part of the Western Tracks project. The collaborative research project aims to improve the management of wild dogs and feral pigs. Private and public landholders, pest animal management and Landcare groups and gov-ernment […]

Face-to-face learning resumes for all school students
There’s lots of smiling faces on students, teachers and parents this week as all local schools resumed face-to-face learning on Monday after lockdown restrictions in Co-bar ended on Saturday. Local schools have returned under Level 3 Guidelines set down by the NSW Department of Education. While schools are permitted to […]