Invasive weeds

The NSW Government is unleashing biological control agents to help manage outbreaks of invasive weeds across reserves in Far West NSW. Crown Lands has been propagating cochineal, a tiny scale insect, to attack invasive cactus species, including Hudson pear, common pear and devil’s rope in the Cobar, Walgett and Wentworth […]


Local Aboriginal corporation to manage a Cobar site

A local Aboriginal corporation has recent-ly been appointed as the Crown Land Man-ager of a government-owned property in Barton Street. The Department of Planning and Environ-ment – Crown Lands has appointed the Ngem-ba, Ngiyampaa, Wangaaypuwan, Wayilwan Aboriginal Corporation (NNWW Aboriginal Corporation) to manage and use reserve land and buildings at […]

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Community backlash over Newey ban

Cobar Shire Council’s announcement of a ban on free camping at the Newey has prompted strong community backlash. Council’s general manager Peter Vlatko publically announced the ‘no camping until further notice’ rule last week after receiving a directive from the NSW Department of Industry—Crown Lands and Water. Local resident Jill […]

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Campers curtailed

Cobar Shire Council has been forced to curtail camping at the Newey following a directive last week from the NSW Department of Industry—Crown Lands and Water. Council’s general manager Peter Vlatko said he had no choice in the matter which will now see all camping banned at the Newey recreation […]