Golfers give it away

ter Mine Golf Challenge committee has donated the proceeds of their 2024 golf charity day to nine groups. Pictured above are the committee with representatives from the recipient groups including: the Brennan Centre, Macquarie Home Stay, The Cobar Weekly, Cobar Junior Golf, Cobar Lady Golfers, Cobar Bowling & Golf Club, […]


Golfie’s greens were chocker block full

There was a whopping field of 29 bowlers for Sunday’s social bowls at the Golfie. Every rink on the green was chocker block full! Thanks to the massive amount of rain on Saturday, the green was very sluggish which tested everyone’s skill. This week’s winners, Greg Read and Allan Gardoll, […]


Christmas carols fun

The Thompson family (Caroline, James, Claire, Charlie and Henry) caught up with friends, Pearl Toomey and Nestor Linn, at the Churches of Cobar Carols in the Park (which was moved to the Cobar Youth & Community Centre) on Sunday. This year’s event attracted a big crowd to hear the Carols’ […]

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Cobar wraps up the year with big parade

Cobar Business Association’s Christmas Street Parade on Friday night has been labelled by locals as Cobar’s best parade ever! At an estimated 1.5km in length, with more than 50 vehicles and approximately 240 people on floats, in vehicles and on foot, we’d have to agree that it was indeed Cobar’s […]

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Setts Cup stays with the Cobar Club

The Cobar Yabbies Senior Men’s Swimming Club retained the Setts Cup after they once again beat the Nyngan Splashers RSL Swimming Club at the annual Setts Memorial Swim on Sunday in Nyngan. The Cobar club has won the trophy every year since the carnival’s inception 10 years ago to honour […]