Could Ward Oval solve a camping conundrum?
Cobar Shire Council will look at opening up Ward Oval to free campers. The matter was discussed at last Thursday’s Ordinary Council Meeting following a notice of motion put to the meeting by Cr Peter Yench. “Something needs to be done and I think it can be done legally,” […]

Junior Roosters were beaten by the Dubbo early birds
It was an early start for the Cobar Junior Roosters on Saturday morning at Tom Knight Memorial Oval with the first game kicking off two hours earlier than normal. It was an even earlier start for some of the Dubbo visitors who had requested the early start so they could […]

Businessman speaks on local effects of tourism decline
Local businessman Geoff McGuinness used the public access forum at last week’s Ordinary Council Meeting to speak about his concerns (and that of other local business owners) on the decline of tourists stopping in Cobar. “The town is a laughing stock,” Mr McGuinness told council. “Bourke’s caravan parks are overflowing. […]

Very close netball competition
Two very close games were played in the senior netball competition on Saturday with both the winning sides finishing with 38 points. Golfie Mystics beat Brush Stop 38-34 in their game and JKM Dynamic Fitness won their match 38-33 over ENDivas. It was a nail bitter of a game between […]

Wade’s works liven up the library walls
Cobar Shire & TAFE Library is currently hosting an extensive collection of artworks by local artist Thelma Wade. A well-known resident, Thelma was born and bred in Cobar, and has been painting and drawing since childhood. “Growing up all I ever wanted was paints. We didn’t get many Christmas presents, […]

Tensions flare at packed council meeting
Tensions flared at last Thursday night’s packed council meeting with Cobar Shire Council’s general manager Peter Vlatko forced to call on councillors and members of the gallery to show respect to the meeting chamber. The public gallery was full with more than 50 people, including many local business owners, there […]

Camels give Pumas a good run for their money
The Cobar Camels gave the top of the table Warren Pumas a good run for their money on Saturday in Round 9 of the Western Plains Rugby Union competition with the final margin just 15 points in Warren’s favour. Warren, who were comfortably sitting in second place on the competition […]