Empire strikes back-to-back
There was no stopping Empire as they won a back-to-back 40 Overs Cricket prem-iership on Saturday defeating Nymagee by 71 runs. After winning the toss, Nymagee changed their usual tactics and sent Empire in to bat in the hope they could extract as much life out of the damp pitch […]

Cricket end of season celebrations
The Cobar senior cricket season came to a close on Saturday night with the end of season presentations held following the 40 Overs grand final game. Empire claimed the 40 Overs competition trophy with Jay Egan named the Player of the Grand Final. Ruthless Toothless picked up their Twenty20 winners’ […]

Hannah Carroll gets the call up to run with the Rams
Cobar’s Hannah Carroll was in the front row line-up for the Western Rams Opens side when they took on the Monaro Colts in the opening round of the Women’s Rugby League Country Championships at Parkes on Sunday. The women’s and men’s Country Champion-ships competitions feature 10 teams from across regional […]

High performance coaches call in to coach the coaches
Cobar’s sporting coaches had the benefit of picking the brains of four high perfor-mance coaches from the NSW Institute of Sport (NSWIS) at a community coaching workshop at Tom Knight Memorial Oval last week. Organised by the Far West Academy of Sport, the free coaching workshop was open to club […]

Wonder what book everyone is reading at Cobar High?
Cobar High School is taking a brand new whole-of-school approach to teaching litera-cy with a goal to have all students and staff reading the same book. Front-lining the literacy pilot program is CHS’s head teacher of school improvement, Amie Hill who explained how the program works and how it came […]

Cobar CWA revives a tasty tradition in cookery competition
The Cobar branch of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) is reviving a longheld CWA tradition and bringing back their cookery competition. The Land Cookery Competition is sponsored by The Land newspaper and is open to any resident in NSW or the ACT—entrants don’t have to be a CWA member to […]

Local arts students get behind-the-scenes tour of Hamilton
Three Cobar High School students had an amazing opportunity last week to go and see the Australian stage production of Hamilton and also get a behind the scenes look at how the show is made. Jordan Warren (Year 12), Ebony Aumua (Year 11) and Tiana Jones (Year 10) joined a […]