Big celebrations for the Cobar Yabbies
Over 150 swimmers registered to contest the Cobar Yabbies Senior Men’s Swimming Club 50th Anniversary Carnival at the Cobar Memorial Swimming Pool on Saturday. The 50th Anniversary Carnival was also combined with the Four Ways Swim, which is contested each year between the Cobar, Forbes, Nelson Bay and Gosford men’s […]

Lots of interest for local art and photography competition
Cobar Arts Council had a wonderful response from local artists with more than 150 entries for this year’s Art and Photography competition and exhibition. The winners of each category were announced at the exhibition Official Opening last Wednesday night at the Cobar Railway Station. Rural artist Tanya Greenshields, who lives […]

More rain in our local gauges
Another 6.6mm of rain on Sunday and 27.2mm up to midnight on Monday has added to our already record rainfall for the month of October. The Bureau of Meteorology reports Cobar’s total rainfall for the month of October was 210.8mm. This rainfall record well and truly beats Cobar’s previous record […]

Community comes together to remember our lost miners
Each year one of the main events on the Festival of the Miner’s Ghost program is ‘A Night to Remember Our Lost Miners’. The event is organised by local Barry Knight and this year’s was held on Sunday night at the Services Club (after rain forced the change from the […]

Warmer weather brings out Yabbies
Warmer weather has brought out the Yabbies in bigger numbers with 17 swimmers lining up on the blocks for last Tuesday night’s competition swim. Bill Fugar had the best time of the night when he swam spot on his nominated time to win the 50 metres freestyle handicapped event. Paul […]

Familiar faces return for Yabbies 50th Anniversary reunion
The Cobar Yabbies Senior Men’s Swimming Club 50th/51st Reunion was held over the weekend with more than 200 people attending. Swimmers from 10 different clubs, along with current and former Cobar Yabbies and their partners and families, celebrated the club’s milestone of 51 years (as COVID forced the cancellation of […]