The huge size of the gravel pit (with two B-Doubles parked in it) where gravel is stockpiled and crushed in readiness to use on the Pulpulla Road upgrade shows just how big a job it’s been to get the access road to the Mount Grenfell historic site ready for sealing. Sealing of the first 12km section of the road is set to commence today. See opposite page for a full report on the project being carried out by Cobar Shire Council, contractors and Transport for NSW.
The huge size of the gravel pit (with two B-Doubles parked in it) where gravel is stockpiled and crushed in readiness to use on the Pulpulla Road upgrade shows just how big a job it’s been to get the access road to the Mount Grenfell historic site ready for sealing. Sealing of the first 12km section of the road is set to commence today. See opposite page for a full report on the project being carried out by Cobar Shire Council, contractors and Transport for NSW.
The 2024 Aurelia Peak Gold Mine sponsored Cobar Ladies Open was finally played on Sunday after the event was washed out in August. Visitor numbers were disappointing with only six ladies making the trip to Cobar. (Nyngan ladies sent apologies as the Open clashed with the Men’s NSW Sand Green […]
Cobar’s Suicide Prevention Care Coordinator, Jody McCabe, was invited to present at the 2021 Western NSW Regional Suicide Prevention Forum in Dubbo last week. ‘The Suicide Prevention Forum to Harness Global Knowledge and Local Insights to De-liver Practical Solutions’ brought together community members and suicide prevention specialists with a focus […]
After a break of more than 13 years, a former Cobar Shire Councillor, Tony Chap-lain, is set to return to Council. Tony was one of 11 candidates who nominat-ed to run for Council at the upcoming Local Government elections. With 12 positions vacant and only 11 candi-dates, the election is […]