Cobar Shire Council and the Rotary Club of Cobar have joined forces to install Rural Addressing number posts on selected roads on the outskirts of Cobar.
Council’s asset manager Anil De Silva, who is also a Rotarian, said council was happy to involve the Rotary Club of Cobar in the Rural Addressing Project.
“This is a mutually beneficial, win-win arrangement.” Mr De Silva said.
“Rotary Club of Cobar can raise funds for their community projects whilst council will benefit from local knowledge and ability to complete the project sooner.
“This type of partnership/engagement with community groups may pave a new look at doing things for the community and add value to the work carried out by the council.”
Recently Cobar Shire Council was invited by Spatial Services NSW (formally LPI) to share Rural Addressing Project Planning details among other western councils at a Rural Addressing Summit held in Cobar.
“According to Spatial Services NSW, in their Addressing dataset, Cobar has a rate of ‘conforming complete addresses’ in excess of 90 per cent,” Mr De Silva reported.
“The state average is 93 per cent, so yes, Cobar still has some work to do, but is in pretty good shape compared to others.
“Lachlan for example is at 51.7 per cent.”