Cobar Shire Council has recently released its 2024/2025 Annual Operational Plan (AOP) with Council expecting the year ahead will again be extremely busy with limited funds available.
The AOP projects Council will receive approximately $61M in revenue (that includes grants and capital contributions) in the coming year.
“The Council is a $61M dollar business, and the community needs to understand that it does this with a general rate income of $4.6M,” Council’s general manager Peter Vlatko said.
He said Council is committed to continuing to making improvements and will look for innovative ways to save and improve services.
According to the AOP, the increased cost of providing care at the Lilliane Brady Village (LBV) aged care facility is placing significant pressure on this year’s budget with a $2.2M deficit forecast for the general fund after eliminating capital contributions.
“Based on this outcome, Council will need to prioritise what actions to take in the future to achieve sustainability,” Mr Vlatko said.
Some of the projects, activities and improvements the 2024/2025 AOP identifies are: significant road works including the Wool Track Seal Extension; maximizing the relationship with the Far North West Joint Organisation (FNWJO); applying for grants; further developing the main street; providing assistance to attract doctors; ongoing contract management of the Cobar Swimming Pool; continue to provide the LBV aged care service; undertake Stage 2 and 3 of Museum project; commence Stage 1 of Industrial Area project; complete Ward Oval project; continue to support air services and build more footpaths.