Wednesday at the Empire Hotel were Lilliane Simpson, Pauline Hunter, Barb Bartlett,
Marie Black and Phyllis O’Brien.
It’s a brand-new year for Probus members
as returning officer Glenis Prisk sought out
members willing to take a place on the executive
committee at last Wednesday’s annual
general meeting.
After much toing and froing, a wonderful
result was declared with Lillian Simpson elected
as the group’s new president.
She will be assisted by vice president Barb
Bartlett, secretary Marie Black, treasurer Phyllis
O’Brien and publicity officer Pauline
In addition to being elected as president,
Lillian has also retained the tour officer’s role.
Outgoing president Pauline Hunter wished
the new committee every success.
“I’m sure we will have a great year. Probus is
a club for fun and friendship,” Pauline said.
“We welcome visitors to join us at our meetings
and enjoy a lovely luncheon afterwards.
“It’s a great way to make new friends or fill
in a couple of hours to lighten your heart.”