The unrelenting hot, dry weather shows no sign of changing this week with temperatures to hit the high 30s this weekend.
Cobar’s third month straight without significant rainfall is taking its toll, with local farmers being forced to bring in feed for stock and consider destocking their properties.
Temperatures in Cobar were closer to average last week, however this week should heat up again.
A top of 34 degrees is forecast today with sunny conditions, four degrees above the expected March average.
Tomorrow should also reach 34 with a sunny day, while Friday is heading for a top of 36 degrees after a low of 18.
Saturday is forecast to be a hot and sunny 38 degrees with zero chance of rainfall, and we can expect a warm night only dropping to 24 degrees before a high of 39 on Sunday.
Monday should also be warm and sunny reaching 36 degrees.
Last week was milder with 31 degrees on Tuesday, while Wednesday was the coolest day of the week with a top of 27.8.
Thursday reached 30, Friday was 31 and Saturday was 32 degrees, while Sunday and Monday gave us a taste of the heat to come with tops of 34 and 36 respectively.
Overnight temperatures all week were close to average dropping to 18 degrees every night from Wednesday through to Sunday.