Cobar’s MPREC office held a get together for local Work for the Dole participants last week to recognise their hard work.
MPREC (Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation) oversees the program locally and hosted a barbecue for participants, employers and representatives from TAFE at the Cobar MRPREC office last Wednesday.
The organisation’s employment manager Mick McDowell said the gathering was a part of their obligations to deliver the service.
“It’s a chance to check in with the participants, get some feedback, and look at how we will work forward with them,” he said.
Currently in Cobar Work for the Dole participants are involved in a number of activities through MPREC including a market garden where they also tend to animals such as chickens and pigs.
They also assist local sporting and community organisations by helping with maintenance projects including lawn and
garden maintenance and painting, with local beneficiaries including the Cobar Auto Club, Cobar Tennis Club and Cobar Miners Race Club.
Local clothing business Two Eight Three Five (formerly Chi Chi) also hosts participants to help them build work-ready skills.