Is amalgamation with another club the best way forward for the flailing Cobar Services Club?
That’s the question that will be put to members at the club’s annual general meeting this Saturday.
Cobar Services Club secretary/manager Linda Carter said amalgamating with another club might be the best long term option for the club.
Linda said in the short term, financially the club is fine, but its long term prospects are however a different story.
“To survive, the club needs to be better supported, receive a large cash injection or we need go down the path of amalgamation,” Linda said.
In addition to getting financial support and advice, amalgamation could result in a ‘parent’ club taking over the day-to-day running of the Cobar Services Club and also taking full control of the club’s financials.
“We’ve put out an expression of interest through ClubsNSW, which is the process you have to go through, and then if the members decide to investigate amalgamation, we can then enter into formal talks,” Linda explained.
She said their initial inquiry had yielded interest from “four or five” parties.
“Two from out of town are really keen, one of which is a large city-based club,” she said.
“We want to do what’s best for the club to keep the doors open.
“We still want to see the club operate, we don’t want to see the club close.
“We’re financially okay for the short term but it needs amalgamation or to be better supported by the community, or long term, we can’t stay open,” she said.
She said if the club were to close the traditions of Anzac Day and Remembrance Day commemorations would be lost; 20 people would lose their jobs; there would be a negative flow-on effect to local business suppliers; local entertainers would have less opportunities to perform; the town would lose a restaurant; charities and sporting groups would lose their meeting/event venue; and regular club drinkers would lose their choice of where they want to drink.
Linda said it was important for members to attend Saturday’s AGM.
“If they don’t show interest, what are we fighting for?
“Why are we keeping the club open if people are not interested?
“Members need to attend and vote on what they want for the club,” she said.