At the Kulwin Bushfire Brigade’s annual general meeting on Saturday at Berangabah Station a number of the brigade’s members were presented with Long Service Medals for their continued service to the brigade. One member, Bernard Rogers (second from right) was recognised for over 40 years service. Other medal recipients pictured above are: Leonie Sinclair, Randall Graham, Bob Sinclair, Jack Sinclair, Jenny Rogers and David Sinclair.
Local Bill Arnold was recently presented with a Rural Fire Service Long Service medal by RFS Far West Team District Officer, Greg Martin and congratulated on being a member of the Sandy Creek Brigade for over 50 years.
Cobar residents were sickened last week to hear of a senseless act of vandalism at the Cobar Cemetery. Local resident Rebecca Dowling alerted the community via social media last week of the incident after she and her son Darcy had visit-ed the cemetery on Thursday morning and found graffiti on […]