at it delivering books and kids’ storytime
and craft packs to local residents to help
them pass the time in lockdown. Pictured
is librarian Jane Siermans heading out on
a delivery on Monday
The Cobar Shire Library staff have been
labelled as “life savers” after recommencing
home deliveries of books and craft items to
Cobar residents of all ages.
Cobar Shire Librarian Jane Siermans said
with the further extension of COVID lockdown,
she sought permission from Council to
make contactless deliveries of library resources
in an effort to support the mental health and
resilience of the members of the Cobar community.
“I contacted customers who had returned
items, as well as ones who had requested access
to the library resources, and arranged to
deliver more items to them,” Ms Siermans said.
Staff have been taking orders for books, dvds
and craft kits for children.
“Customers are welcome to request items
online, message us on Facebook, or just give
the library a call,” she said.
“Items are selected based on each borrower’s
unique loan histories and preferences.”
Deliveries are made each afternoon from
Monday to Friday.
The library commenced their home delivery
service last year during our first COVID lockdown
but, unlike last year’s conditions, the
books are not required to be quarantined however
Ms Siermans said the library is able to
quarantine returns if necessary.
She said the service is popular and staff have
been making deliveries dailies to very appreciative