daughters Rhonda Campbell and Bev Schultz. ▪ Photo contributed
While there might not have been enough players for a ladies golf competition game on Wednesday with many away, working or ill, there were however 16 women on hand for Saturday’s annual Vi McLaughlin Memorial Day.
The Canadian game was boosted by four visitors from Coffin Bay in South Australia.
The scores however weren’t very flash as the course is still yet to dry out from the last five weeks of unprecedented rain.
Jannine Wilkin and Narelle Kriz (84 net) were the winners of the prestigious trophy which was presented by Vi’s daughters Rhonda Campbell and Bev Schultz.
The runners-up were Fay Hardwick and Wen Zhang on 87 3/8 net followed by Sally Bannister and Geraldine Francisco with 87 7/8 net while Anne Trewartha and Kim Rowe placed 4th with 89 net.
The Nearest the Pin winners on the 8th hole were Kriz, Barb Barklimore and Zhang and on the 15th hole, Hardwick, Francisco and Rowe were closest to the flag…see this week’s edition for full report.