Cobar Public School’s Spring Fair at the school on Friday provided a great night out for families with lots of entertainment, fun games, busy market stalls and delicious food on offer. The night was topped off with a fantastic fireworks display and the official opening of the school’s refurbished oval. Pictured at the fair are the Fugars, Khan and Jess and their children Archie and Spencer.
Cobar Public School’s Spring Fair at the school on Friday provided a great night out for families with lots of entertainment, fun games, busy market stalls and delicious food on offer. The night was topped off with a fantastic fireworks display and the official opening of the school’s refurbished oval. Pictured at the fair are the Fugars, Khan and Jess and their children Archie and Spencer.
St John’s School held their annual Footy Fever Day last week which pays tribute to a much loved former teacher, Mrs Paula Potter, who loved her footy. Students organised and ran the day. Pictured are some of the students, Aiden Hyland, Ryder Anderson, Cohen Nicholson and Talas Burke. Photo […]
After being part of the Cobar community for the past 141 years, the Cobar Masons held their final function in Cobar on Satur-day night. For many years the Freemasonry as an or-ganisation world-wide was shrouded in secrets and mystery but a few years ago, all that start-ed to change and […]
NSW Department of Primary Industries and Western Local Land Services are working with Cobar farmers to help them rehydrate and revegetate their landscapes using deep ripping and ponding practices. Scott Preisig and Belinda Blake at Merrylands north west of Cobar are among the group of farmers who are taking part […]