Cobar Public School’s Spring Fair at the school on Friday provided a great night out for families with lots of entertainment, fun games, busy market stalls and delicious food on offer. The night was topped off with a fantastic fireworks display and the official opening of the school’s refurbished oval. Pictured at the fair are the Fugars, Khan and Jess and their children Archie and Spencer.
Cobar Public School’s Spring Fair at the school on Friday provided a great night out for families with lots of entertainment, fun games, busy market stalls and delicious food on offer. The night was topped off with a fantastic fireworks display and the official opening of the school’s refurbished oval. Pictured at the fair are the Fugars, Khan and Jess and their children Archie and Spencer.
Cobar Shire Council is in the process of reviewing its 10 year Community Strategic Plan and is calling for input and feedback from residents. Council’s general manager Peter Vlatko said having a Community Strategic Plan is a re-quirement of the Local Government Act, and with a number of new councillors […]
Generous community support will help a group of Cobar High School students to compete at the Science and Engineering Challenge Regional Championships in New-castle. Funding from the Peak Gold Mine and the Rotary Club of Cobar, along with the NSW Department of Education (Regional Industry Education Partnerships program), will help […]
A 21 year old man was arrested and charged at Cobar Police Station on Monday afternoon after he used an imitation gun to threaten another person. Police seized the gel blaster pistol (which resembles a Glock handgun) from a home in Wetherell Crescent at 4.20pm after executing a search warrant […]