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Council presents a conservative budget for coming year
Cobar Shire Council was pleased to be able to present a “good” budget to ratepayers at public meeting last Wednesday night. Council’s director of corporate and community services, Kym Miller, said he’s worked out a conservative budget for 2019/2020 that has “very little risk and significant opportunities”. “There’s no reduction […]
Food safety crackdown on local businesses for public safety
In the interests of public safety three local food outlets have been shut down in Cobar over the past couple of months and a number of others have been issued with improvement notices. Cobar Shire Council’s manager of planning and environmental services Stephen Poulter said most of the premises with […]
Senseless tree vandalism forces ratepayers to bear the cost
Cobar Shire Council last week had to re-plant another new tree in the main street following a vandalism attack which occurred in the early hours of Thursday morning. Council’s head of Parks and Gardens Paul Sullivan found the damage on Thursday morning and later obtained CCTV footage from a nearby […]