Endeavor decline progress a significant milestone for mine

Endeavor Mine celebrated a significant milestone on Sunday with the first cut in the decline made in almost a decade. Pictured in the decline are acting mine superintendent Charlie Kenny and jumbo operator Rodney Amidy. Photo contributed

Endeavor Operations’ general manager Denver D’Angelo was pleased to see the mine reach a significant milestone on Sunday with the first cut in the decline made in almost a decade.

Mr D’Angelo said they had planned to start developing the decline this month in order to access the deep zinc lode.

“The current resource for the deep zinc lode is 1.2Mt at 8.1 per cent lead/zinc with a further 2-6Mt at 5-9 per cent zinc/lead that will be targeted through further exploration drilling. This will take place once the decline reaches lower levels,” Mr D’Angelo reported.

Mr D’Angelo said he will provide further updates on the decline and other developments around the site and company next month through his State of the Nation presentation.