CSA General Manager Goes Underground: A New Approach to Leadership

CSA General Manager Robert Walker

In a uniquely unprecedented move, CSA General Manager Robert Walker has taken his leadership role to new depths-literally. Rob now spends a portion of his working week underground alongside the mining teams at the CSA mine. His new, fully functional office is strategically located next to the operational deployment & training rooms and the 9L heavy diesel workshop, placing him at the heart of the mine’s daily activities.

This bold decision is more than a symbolic gesture. It represents a growing trend in management that prioritises direct interaction with employees and a hands-on approach to leadership. Research has consistently shown that when Seniors Leaders are more visible and accessible, it can have a profound impact on the workforce’s mental health, culture, morale, and business productivity.

Rob’s presence underground also sends a powerful message about the company’s values. It demonstrates a commitment to understanding and improving the day-to-day realities of the mining teams. And given Rob’s significant operational history he is very well positions to “really” understand and make a difference.

Morale is another critical aspect of workplace dynamics that can be positively affected by Rob’s hands-on leadership style. By working alongside his team, Rob can directly contribute to a sense of camaraderie and teamwork, which is essential in high-pressure environments like underground mining.

Rob’s decision to establish his office underground is a pioneering move in the mining industry. It reflects a modern approach to leadership that values direct interaction, support, and visibility. As Rob continues to lead by example, he sets a new standard for effective leadership in the mining industry and beyond.