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Cobar and all around the region cops a drenching
Local landholder Megan Mosely has described the past two weeks’ rain across the district as being “proper wet” after they recorded 134mm at Etiwanda, 100km south of Cobar. Rory Harland had 174mm in his gauge 20km south of Nymagee, the Rogers at Kulwin (between Cobar and Ivanhoe) had 118mm last […]

Thankyou from Aurelia

Endeavor Mine is one step closer to re-opening
Following a revised agreement with CBH Resources, Polymetals is now a step closer to bringing the Endeavor Mine back into production. Polymetals announced yesterday that a revised Endeavor Silver, Zinc and Lead Mine acquisition agreements and ancillary arrangements had been executed and agreed with CBH Resources, a subsidiary of Toho […]