Ordinary Council Meeting. Cr Jarrod Marsden was elected unopposed as deputy mayor and former deputy mayor, Cr Peter Abbott, was elected as mayor unopposed. The pair will lead council until the next Local Government elections in September.
Cr Peter Abbott has officially stepped up into the role of mayor of Cobar Shire Council after he was duly elected to the top job last Thursday.
Following the recent passing of Mayor Lilliane Brady OAM, Council was required to elect a new mayor and deputy mayor at their February Ordinary Meeting last week.
At the meeting Council’s former deputy mayor, Cr Abbott was appointed as the new mayor and Cr Jarrod Marsden was elected as his deputy mayor.
Both positions were uncontested as they were the only candidates that nominated for each of the roles.
Cr Abbott was first elected to Cobar Shire Council at a by-election in August 2014.
He has served continuously as deputy mayor (under Cr Brady) since 2015.
During his time as deputy mayor, Cr Abbott has been called upon a number of times to act in the mayoral role filling in for Mayor Brady during her absences.
Over the past year, with her declining health and the COVID-19 pandemic, Mayor Brady had chosen to primarily work from home and during that time Cr Abbott represented the mayor at a number of official events.
Cr Marsden is one of the longest serving of the current crop of councillors having been on Council since he was first elected in September 2008.
Cr Marsden has also previously served as a deputy mayor for a one year term in 2012 under Mayor Brady.
Mayor Abbott and Deputy Mayor Marsden will lead the Council until the next Local Government elections in September.