Village remains open and operational.
With aged care facilities around the state in danger of closing (three closed in Sydney last week), some forward planning and a lot of hard work by the Lilliane Brady Village Management and Governance Committee, will ensure Cobar’s aged care facility remains open.
All government-funded aged care providers are required to comply with Aged Care Quality Standards and many facilities are currently struggling to adhere to those standards.
As part of those standards, from this July all approved aged care providers must have at least one Registered Nurse (RN) on-site and on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The Cobar Shire Council-owned LBV aged care facility has struggled for some time to recruit permanent staff, in particular RN’s, however the use of agency staff has ensured the LBV remains compliant with the standards.
Council’s director of finance and community services, Kym Miller said the committee raised concerns towards the end of last year that there were only two RNs on staff.
Mr Miller said the committee has worked in conjunction with council to increase that number now to five RNs, some of whom are permanent while the others are agency staff…full story in this week’s edition out now!