Formidable Fast Fobs take down comp leaders
The Fast Fobs were able to field a full side last Tuesday night in the Fast5 netball com-petition which helped them to roll the com-petition leaders. George Manu helped his Fast Fobs side to rack up a big winning tally of 41-15 over the former front-runners, Why Did We Say […]

Two swimmers off to State
Axel Fairfull, Nicholas Hodges, Henry Knight and Harry Cousins competed at the Western NSW Swimming in Dubbo last Thursday. Axel and Henry have qualified to go on and compete at State Level. Axel will swim six events, the Individual Medley, 400m freestyle and 100m freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly in […]

Crown Lands house transferred to Aboriginal Land Council
Crown Lands has recently handed over the keys of a four-bedroom house to the Cobar Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) following a successful Aboriginal land claim. Staff from the Aboriginal Land Claims As-sessment Team officially handed over the property on March 2, which includes a home with a carport and […]

Moorambilla returns this year
St John’s School students enjoyed a visit from the Moorambilla Voices artistic team last week who are putting together this year’s regional choir. Pictured is Moorambilla’s artistic director Michelle Leonard with students William Davis-Manns, Corey Piggott and William Curtis. In addition to making selections for the choir, Michelle and staff […]

Eleven year old Sienna will chop off her locks for charity
Cobar Public School (CPS) student Sienna Campbell will have her head shaved tomor-row as part of the World’s Greatest Shave fundraiser. “I have decided to shave my hair so I can raise awareness and help people with blood cancer,” the 11 year old told The Cobar Week-ly. Sienna’s mum, Courtney […]

Murdi Paaki’s new administration offices officially opened
An official opening of Murdi Paaki’s new administration offices in Bathurst Street (at the former TAFE site) was held last Wednesday. Chairperson of the Cobar Community Working Party Elaine Ohlsen delivered the Welcome to Country to receive the represent-atives of the 16 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities from across […]