Cr Deighton calls for a clear plan for the Grand Precinct

Cobar Shire Council has been successful in gaining a grant to plan and design a Grand Precinct in Cobar’s CBD with the Grand Hotel to be the centrepiece. It’s still unsure what the main function of the building will be. At the moment it’s an advertising tool for The Pub Route tourism initative of the Far North West Joint Organisation.

Cr Chris Deighton has called for careful consideration before Cobar Shire Council progresses with its plan to create a Grand Precinct in the main street.

Council’s general manager Peter Vlatko  apprised councillors about the recent federal Government Grand Precinct grant funding win at last week’s Ordinary Council Meeting.

Mr Vlatko said the funding win of almost $3.5 million was “a significant achievement” for Council as nearly all the other recipients were cities.

“The staff will now be preparing a clear path on how this is going to be delivered, remembering it’s only for the actual design ready for DA ready for construction,” Mr Vlatko said.

The project includes the Grand Hotel, library, the town hall, main street and the Brennan Centre.

Mr Vlatko said it was a great opportunity to have shovel ready plans.

He said they are however “hanging our hats on” the Federal Government to also fund the construction.

“Otherwise, we’ve wasted a lot of money just doing the planning and design,” Mr Vlatko said.

Cr Deighton warned councillors that construction of more infrastructure will put further pressure on Council with regards to ongoing maintenance and upkeep.

“We’ve really got to nut it out in the workshops,” he said.

Cr Deighton said in particular Council would need to look closely at what’s to be done with the very old town hall building and what it will be used for.

“We’ve got Ward Oval down there, at $4.5 million not getting very utilised at the moment.”

Cr Deighton said they would need a clear plan for the Grand Precinct going forward “and not just have it there and throw moth balls in”.