Over 3,000 metres of town water pipes has already been replaced as part of the town water mains renewal project.
Contractor Killard Infrastructure began the pipe replacement work in February to renew 5.7km of the town’s water pipeline.
The $3.9million project came in response to the deteriorating condition of the existing town water pipeline and will see almost 6km of the system’s old cast iron pipes replaced.
The new pipe work is expected to alleviate the problems some residents were experiencing with discoloured water due to the build up of deposits in the old pipes.
Some parts of the pipeline also experienced regular blockages.
In a progress report to Cobar Shire councillors last week, Council’s water and sewer manager Victor Papierniak said a high percentage of the work has been completed in Bourke Road, Old Bourke Road, Prince Street, Margaret Street, Fourteenth Street, Tenth Street, Mahjong Place and Railway Parade.
Mr Papeirniak said Killard Infrastructure are now concentrating their efforts in Bourke, Brough, Brennan and Blakey streets.