welcomed new members Harry Whitely (at far left), Demi Smith and Brytt Moore at the club’s July meeting. ▪ Photo contributed
After 59 years of exemplary service to the Cobar community, the Rotary Club of Cobar is now looking to the community to support them.
The Rotary Club of Cobar has become well known over the years for its fundraising efforts through cooking barbecues, collecting cans, supporting the Tour de OROC and also the “Billy Can Bash”.
Club secretary Gordon Hill said membership has slipped to just 12 members during the last couple of years and the club is in danger of folding due to the lack of active members.
“Despite apparent declining community interest in supporting local community and sporting groups and committees across the board, the Cobar Rotary Club has decided to try to encourage new membership, particularly from the younger members of the community,” Mr Hill said…For full story see this weeks edition.